Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Where Do You Dare Me to Draw the Line?

Cream would have written a more clever caption than this
As I finish writing the review of the Women of Robot Holiday and receive the photos, I had to mention an, um, interesting concert bill my wife Val mentioned to me today.

She said she was talking/writing with her friend Nikki, an expat Buffa

lonian in California working in television and movie industries. It seems she was waiting to go to a concert at the county fair, the double bill being Hall & Oates and Air Supply.

Air Supply - No, the night's aren't better
I hadn't recently felt my colon clench so fast; while I am a major Hall & Oates fan, Air Supply is WAY too pappy, schmaltzy, treacly and downright boring for me, even to sit through for a band I really like, from the "now I'm happy, really I am" of "Even the Nights Are Better" to the flat-out bathos of "All Out of Love," a song too many overemotional teens turned to when that one guy or girl dropped them.

I imagine hundreds, nay, thousands of people carefully scheduling their arrival and departures from this show so as to miss being subjected to Air Supply while not missing Hall & Oates. It would be tragic beyond words to miss Hall & Oates in any way, but to Air Supply? No can do.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to Michael Faust for catching a wrongly attributed song; it has been changed.
